Sunday 8 August 2010

assorted scary cats

I have to go over there and recuperate.

daddy's day

Today is father's day here in Brazil.

I am not going to be one of those people who posts a picture of their father. Primarily because I don't want to post anything that might identify who I am. Not that anyone cares. But I care. I would rather not be associated with what I write here. The cloak of anonymity brings me comfort. Even at the advanced age of 30 my self-esteem has remained at the lower levels. I don't really hate myself. It's just that in my family a healthy self-esteem is seen as an inappropriate personality trait. On the other hand, we have always been encouraged to cultivate all of our compulsions, which include narcissism, overeating and, self-sabotage. Therefore the idea of putting a picture of my father, or, God forbid, of myself here is absolutely absurd to me. Which might be strange to you since I just admitted to being narcissistic. But you see, that is how fucked up I am. I believe myself to be interesting enough to have a blog, but am also ashamed enough of myself to ever take responsibility for my thoughts. It's a very fine balance, which I am proud to say, I have evolved into an art form.

Anyway. Happy father's day, Father.

Thursday 5 August 2010

ask me

C'mon, ask me.

Would I do John Goodman?

Yes. I absolutely would.

And to show you how into John Goodman I actually am, I would do him now and back in the Roseanne days.

That John Goodman charm has always rocked my boat.

192 for dates

Just read this on The Huffington Post. A woman was arrested in the U.S. for calling 911 operators and asking them out on dates. That's a kind of emergency.

Don't judge. You know you've been there. If you're in the São Paulo area, the number for emergencies is 192.

using the internet for good

(I would totally do this last guy here.)

Wednesday 4 August 2010

candy and football

I just ate a whole pack of candy. A whole one. I'm feeling sick. That's the candy party of the post.

Santos, a football team from Santos, in the state of São Paulo, is playing a match with Vitória, from Salvador, Bahia. I am not sure what they are playing for, nor do I care. However, Neymar...


and Robinho are playing for Santos.

As they have been confirmed recently in Brazil's national squad, I feel I must watch their performance in tonight's game in anticipation for the 2014 World Cup... which, if you haven't heard, will be held here in Brazil. Yes, it's four years away. But you clearly do not understand Brazilians and their football. Even when we don't give a shit, we give a shit.

Monday 2 August 2010

david brought me back

And also my friend L. This is a blog that has a low, low readership. Which suits me fine. I am of the philosophy that the fewer people who read what I have to say about the world and its inhabitants, the better.

So it's been a while. Wish I had a better excuse for not writing other than "I wasn't feeling it". But that is pretty much my excuse. I wasn't feeling it.

So aside from L. having brought me back, I encountered this picture on

What the fuck is this. I don't even want to know.

You can always count on The Hoff, can you not?

Wednesday 2 June 2010

the mother

My mother arrived about week ago.

While I am in the shower last night, she bursts into the bathroom to ask me about dinner. I am in the nude, bathing myself, and she stands in front of the shower asking me about dinner. I get that she has wiped my ass in my early infancy and seen me naked various times. But I am 30 years old and I AM IN THE SHOWER.

She's staying for a few more weeks.

Monday 17 May 2010

better than bradshaw

This Carey is better than Carrie Bradshaw. I am completely smitten at how elegant Carey Mulligan is. Here she is at Cannes promoting Wall Street 2:

(images via Just Jared, here and here)


Tuesday 11 May 2010

in recovery

I've been feeling under the weather these past weeks, hence the long absence. Time has been spent recovering both physically and emotionally. It's because last week The Grandmother told me I looked fat. She's a mean son of a bitch.

Friday 30 April 2010

doctor, doctor

Had a consultation with a new doctor yesterday. Very, very cute. I have to return for a follow-up consultation next month and am already planning an outfit to wear. Something that says "feel free to examine me" in a non-whorish way.

Anyway, have a good weekend.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

animale + neon

There are two labels in Brazil that really rock my boat. First up is Animale. Here are a few of my faves from their Fall/Winter 2010 collection:

(images via Elle Brasil)

Then there is Neon, which has really grown on me, especially due to their use of prints and colour. Again, some faves also from their Fall/Winter 2010 line:

(images via Elle Brasil)

Thursday 22 April 2010

50 years old

Yesterday Brasília, Brazil's capital city, turned 50. (Read about its creation here).

I lived in Brasília for 8 years and it has meant a lot to me.

This is a picture I found of French actor Jean-Pierre Léaud (on the right) and some guy in Brasília, probably taken in the 1960s. Léaud is the star of one of my favourite films of all time, The 400 Blows (Les quatre cents coups), by François Truffaut. The Brazilian National Congress, with the white columns and large dishes on the sides, is behind him.

(image via Jean-Pierre Leaud)

There's no place like it on earth.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

pen pals

(image via we heart it)

I really, really miss having a pen pal. Used to have one, this girl from Australia. We were friends in school, but we both moved away and maintained our friendship through e-mail. Then she came to visit me some years later and turned out to be this colossal bitch. Some relationships should remain only in writing.

Anyway, I really want a pen pal again.

Monday 19 April 2010

apiece apart

This morning I discovered apiece apart on 2 or 3 things I know, and I have fallen in love.

I want to dress like this all the time. Here are a few of my favourites from their current and past collections.

FW 2010

SS 2010

FW 2009

SS 2009