Monday 30 November 2009


The yellow bedroom is coming together very slowly... but if you're good I'll attempt that taking pictures business I mentioned a while back.

costume nightmare

I was reading Drollgirl today and came across Marnie Weber's work.

Her costume series exemplifies why I am frightened to the core of people wearing costumes.

(images via Marnie Weber)

If I walked into a movie theatre like the one above, I'd shit my pants.

Sunday 29 November 2009


In new apartment.

Surrounded by boxes.

Too tired.

Wednesday 25 November 2009



These honesty stamps on Apartment Therapy are a great idea. Especially for emotional retards with severe communication problems like myself.

(image via Design Public)

Designed by Dominic Wilcox for Thorsten van Elten (sold on Design Public), you can just stamp the sentiment on a card and slip it under someone's door. Their honest sayings range from the sentimental ("In all my life I've never met anyone as beautiful as you") to the cheeky ("Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all that crap").

That's all very useful, but honestly... I need more.

Here a few suggestions:

"Get a personality."

"I don't like you as much as I used to."

"Don't hate yourself even though you are a fuck up."

"You're not that smart."

"You're an asshole. Accept it and move on."

I think these sentiments are equally honest AND useful.

Hope you've had a pleasant Wednesday.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

can't fight the feeling

Ok, this is what is going on. I've really been trying to ignore the whole Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewart media frenzy. Are they dating? Are they not dating?

Who cares?

(image via Just Jared)

I do, apparently. Deeply.

blame it on rio

I decided today that I should go to Rio before the year is out for a long overdue visit to my grandparents and some relatives. All of a sudden, I became very nostalgic thinking of my childhood holidays spent there. Particularly the smell of the ocean and the breathtaking views.

(image via here)

(image via we heart it)

(image via here)

I was born in Rio de Janeiro. Despite its many problems (and believe me, we got problems), it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. And I wouldn't change being a "carioca" even if you paid me one million dollars. (Well, I would perhaps consider it.)

Monday 23 November 2009

saturday and sunday


I went to see The Killers and they did not play I Can't Stay. I wasn't asking for much, just for them to play this song, which is my favourite. At least Brandon Flowers is a damn good front man.

The concert was outside, in the open air, amongst nature. And most probably amongst horse shit because it was held in Chácara do Jockey, a riding park here in São Paulo now used as a venue for shows. It rained cats and dogs. Enormous pools of rain water and mud formed everywhere. At the end of the night our feet were soaking wet, caked in mud. And possibly caked in the aforementioned horse shit.

And The Killers didn't play the ONE song I was looking forward to hearing.

You bastards.


All was well again. The Sister, Cousin B. and I got tickets for New Moon. Fabulous escapism and that is all it is meant to be.

That Mr. Pattinson is one good looking son of a bitch.

When I was little, I was very into the idea of being a vampire or a witch. It seemed so glamorous to go around in a black cape (I think witches can also have capes). So if the Twilight saga was around when I was about 10, I would very much be into these vampires with magical powers. Like a 2 in 1 deal.

But who needs to be 10 when, at 30, I am very much into a particular vampire with magical powers who walks around in a stylish array of outfits.

(image via here)

(image via here)

(image via we heart it)

And we musn't forget - he also sparkles.

(image via we heart it)

Ok, enough with that.

Thursday 19 November 2009

this just in

(image via here)

My god, what will we all do.

bullet points

- Cousin B., the Sister and I are desperately trying to get tickets for New Moon. (Shut up. I'm 30, not dead.) All sold out here in São Paulo, at least for the Friday release. And apparently for Saturday and Sunday.

(image via we heart it)

- Tomorrow is a national holiday, Black Consciousness Day. The paulistas are leaving the city for the long weekend. The roads will be free of traffic. Joy.

(image via here)

"Really? That’s interesting. Because to me, this is a $200 necklace of worms fucking."
(image and quote via

crappy x-mas

There are many reasons why I dislike Christmas. Premature Christmas decorations, overeating followed by an intense bout of depression, contact with relatives you wish you'd never met.

But this very nearly drives me bat shit crazy.

I dare you to find a worst, more depressing Christmas song.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

a note to People magazine

You have named Robert Downey Jr. one of your Sexiest Men Alive 2009.

(image via here)

Hell, yes.

stylish in hell

Without Havaianas, I would not have survived today.

It was a hot day here in São Paulo. About 32˚ celsius. Probably an average temperature in hell. My feet swell up in the heat, and all I want to wear are Havaianas. (Here in Brazil we just say "Havaianas", it's become a noun synonymous with flip flops.)

I remember back in the day when Havaianas were cheap-as-dirt rubber flip flops. They only came in a few colours and were never worn outside the house or the beach.

Then one day, they became fashionable. Pictures of supermodels wearing them with jeans and skirts started appearing everywhere. They were being sold in the United States and Europe. It amazed me how this staple of Brazilian everyday life became such an internationally recognised product.

My favourite Havaianas are from the Slim line with the metallic details. They are much more delicate to wear with something like jeans, dresses or a skirt. I even wear them to go out at night.

I have these three basic colours, which I can wear with anything.

(image via here)

And I always stop to admire their designs and colours, ...

... especially for kids.

(images via

To top it all off, Havainas has its fabulous looking flagship store here in São Paulo, in the posh and fashionable Rua Oscar Freire.

(images via here)

Pretty and comfortable as hell. So you can keep your style in hell-like temperatures.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

i can't stay...

... because I must go to bed soon since I damn tired. But I just want to say that this weekend The Killers are playing here in São Paulo. I'm going with the Sister, L. and Cousin B.

Truth be told, I am not a huge fan of The Killers... but the Sister likes them and she wanted to go. But I have heard from more than one reliable source that their shows are incredible. So I've grown quite excited.

I don't know all of their songs and don't like all of them. Yet here is one I do like.

Have a good night.

in a not too distant future...

... I will post a picture that I will have actually taken myself. Of my new yellow bedroom.

I'm not a photographer, nor have I ever been. When I go on vacation, I don't even bring a camera. If there is a camera, its existence becomes unknown to me. I have no idea why this is... it's not like I don't like photography, or images. On the contrary, I'm a very visual person.

I guess I'm just a lazy bastard.


As I will be moving next week to the new apartment with the Sister, I am making a vow to post pictures of my new bedroom. I will try my hand at photography and see what comes out of it.

Can't make any promises as to when these pictures will appear. It does take time to put a bedroom together. But appear they shall.

In the meantime, here are three of my favourite photographs. Obviously not taken by me.

Marilyn by Arnold Newman.

(image via here)

By Rineke Dijkstra, Kolobrzeg, Poland, July 26 1992.

(image via here)

Signs That Say What You Want Them To Say And Not Signs That Say What Someone Else Whants You To Say, 1992-1993, by Gillian Wearing.

(image via here)

Monday 16 November 2009

in recovery

I have nothing of interest to say today.


Yesterday I saw Orphan (2009).

(images via here)

I'm still recovering.

Friday 13 November 2009

the beautiful people

I'm watching the late night news yesterday, when this segment comes on about a website called According to the website's ranking, Brazilian women are the fourth most attractive nationality, while Brazilian men came in third. The Scandinavians got all the top spots for most good-looking males and females.

The Brits were amongst the least attractive, both women and men. is, in their own words, "the largest network of attractive people in the world." You submit a picture and your level of beauty is voted on by members of the site from the opposite sex. If you get enough votes, that means you're pretty. And you're in the club.

They also write that "the concept and site was founded on one very simple principle of human nature - the fact that people want to be with someone they are attracted to."

Really? Just physically? Is forming complete sentences not a big requirement? But then, by saying this, am I not also suggesting that "beautiful" people have no substance, just looks?

What bothers me about this website's concept is that they attempt to simplify beauty and attractiveness, when in fact, it is much more complex and intangible than we think. But there is an army of people who agree with this credo, that physically beauty is paramount, that it will get you far... and, most disgustingly, welcome ways through which the pretty ones are segregated from the ugly ones.

I would say that this is a step backwards. But, in truth, defining, obtaining and measuring beauty is a quest that the human race has been on since always. And we're gonna keep on it until we are blue in the face.

As a tribute, here is Marilyn Manson's The Beautiful People:

And, finally, a note to the founders of, who think we prefer the physically beautiful over the ugly:

"It may not be politically correct to say so... but it is honest."

It may very well be, who am I to say.

But that still makes you all assholes.

Thursday 12 November 2009

come down south

I've been thinking.

I lived in London for 10 years, and have visited other cities where I encountered fabulous and stylish stores. Lately, I've been missing them.

São Paulo is a cosmopolitan, forward-looking city. So I think there are three stores that should be brought over to SP immediately:

1. Ikea

There still isn't one in the South American continent. I feel this should change. Here in Brazil there is a Ikea-like homegoods store called Tok&Stok, which is quite good. But it doesn't offer the vastness and design of Ikea.

For instance, I want this rocking chair for my yellow bedroom...

(image via Ikea UK)

... with this fabric.

(image via Ikea UK)

I became acquainted with the store when I visited the Sister in Boston, where she went to university. It would work well here because it sells pretty, expensive things. And people from São Paulo ("paulistas") like pretty and expensive things.

Such as this lovely Grand Game wallpaper (which I want)...

(image via Anthropologie)

... this fine looking Keleidescope Throw...

(image via Anthropologie)

... and this Flock-Of-Swans dress.

(image via Anthropologie)


I came to know Muji while living in London and am a loyal desciple. I love their simple, functional style in clothes, homegoods, stationary, and so on. Above all, I love their universal philosophy: "MUJI is not a brand. (...) MUJI creates products toward global consumption of the future."

If we had a MUJI store in São Paulo, I could stock up again on their gel-ink ball-point pens...

... their acrylic picture frames ...

... and get this steel pipe side table for my new bedroom.

I think I should be able to have these stores here in São Paulo to fulfill my current shopping needs.

Because deep, deep down, I am a good person.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

fun in the dark

Last night was fun.

L. and I were having dinner at Santo Grão Café (very good food) when all the lights went out.

We were in the midst of a blackout. Turns out, this blackout hit about ten Brazilian states and Paraguay. Itaipu, a hydroelectric dam that generates energy to both countries, somehow shut down.

Both L. and I drove home in our respective cars facing the roads with no traffic signs.

(image via here)

Really, really fun.

Tuesday 10 November 2009