Thursday 5 November 2009

creepy kids day

You know how sometimes days have themes? Example. Once I kept seeing images of Woody Allen in random places throughout the day. Hence Woody Allen day.

Well, today's theme was kids who scare the crap out of me.

Allow me to share the evidence:

1. There's this baby who lives in the building. Whenever I see him (or her, I can never really tell), he's being pushed around in a stroller by his grandmother. I saw him today. And he stared at me.

2. The picture in the post below of soaps in the shape of children's hands. It's not really a child, per se. But I bet that when everyone's asleep the tiny hands come alive and try to kill you.

3. And just now I came across the extraordinary photographs of German fine art photographer Loretta Lux.

(images via here)

Hence creepy kids day.

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